general, power / 09.08.2019

Renewable energy system integration is standing still in Germany. And system integration is a challenge, in particular because it is also intended to relieve the burden on consumers. Now the draft of the "regulation for the innovation tenders and for the change of further energy industry regulations --InnAus VuÄndV", of the Federal Ministry of Economics is present. He disappoints and is no impulse for innovation. In addition, the regulation has a short term only. This makes the standstill in terms of energy turnaround clear again. The regulation provides...

Energy Transformation, power / 18.02.2019

Rheinland-Pfalz is a global model for a 100% renewable energy policy. This has been highlighted in the new report of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Abu Dhabi – “Best Practice Examples to 100% Renewable Energy”. IRENA is an intergovernmental organisation that supports 160 member countries in their transition to a sustainable renewable energy future. Rheinland-Pflaz was the only German state example cited in the comprehensive report of IRENA “Coalition action”. The international alliance, which is affiliated to IRENA, is growing steadily and now has more than 80 leading...

/ 14.02.2019

Press Conference  Eveline Lemke, Minister of Economic Affairs, Climate Protection, Energy and Landscaping o.D. and Hans-Josef Fell, MdB 1998-2013, President Energy Watch Group Energy Tranisition: Rheinland-Palatinate a global role model Monday, February 18th 2019, 11.00 h Kulturclub „schon schön“ Große Bleiche 60-62, 55116 Mainz Rheinland-Palatinate is applied as an ideal of energy transition all over the world. This can be read in the Coalition of Action’s White Paper of the International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA. Hans-Josef Fell, President of the Energy Watch Group and State Minister o.D. Eveline Lemke will debate the report and show up the...

Circular Economy / 01.08.2018

Carbon is bad for the climate; that’s now common knowledge. But there is also “good” carbon, which makes it possible for us to store CO2and helps us to cool the climate down. The ‘Fachverband Pflanzenkohle’ [Specialist Association for Vegetable Carbon] now intends to provide information and support for “good” carbon. Dr Susanne Vester, Chairperson of the Fachverband Pflanzenkohle, explained to me everything that the “good” vegetable carbon is capable of and how it is produced:   “Vegetable carbon has many properties! It is used as an additive in skin cream, feed,...

Circular Economy, general, Tools / 09.05.2018

You can meet me in Munich at IFAT, the world’s leading trade fair for environmental technologies! Hall A3, stand 127/226 with our network partner, Ecoliance Hall A4, stand 115/214 with our network partner, Ecoliance Get in touch and we can arrange an individual appointment! Furthermore, I will be taking part in the ITAD panel discussion at 15:30 on 17.05.18. The topic of discussion will be whether or not the provisions of the Circular Economy Package represent genuine progress. You can already read about my thoughts on the issue in this blog article: Professor Braungart...

Circular Economy, general, power, processes / 09.05.2018

According to information from the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, around 60 million people across the globe are registered as refugees. They are fleeing from war, violence and land theft to secure raw material supply. Among their number are those people who have been robbed of their livelihood due to ecological crises such as droughts or flooding. The precise combination of poverty, exploitation, violence, environmental disasters and lack of opportunities causes people to flee. At the same time, obsessive consumerism rages in our societies and continues to grow. We are...

Circular Economy / 06.03.2018

The green tech network ecoliance is getting into pole position for the future. The members of the network are happy to present its new and old board. From now on i will lead a process for future focus work in close relationship with the members of the green tech network Greater Green, which reaches out to Belgium, Luxembourg and France. The network is sponsored by the European Commission....

Circular Economy, general / 22.02.2018

I can not imagine and will not accept that it takes us only 5 seconds to produce or 5 minutes to use, what takes nature 500 years to ecologically dismantle and absorbe. And exactly this is what happens with about 142 million tons of plastics in our oceans. Let’s upcycle and regain the values out of waste. The volume of services of green technologies is calculated to grow by 20 % until 2025 up to 2,400 billion Euros. Green bonds and investments, that’s the future. I am offering you network...

power / 23.01.2018

The current pace of the energy transition means that it will be 2150 before we are able to achieve our goals. This was the finding of a study at HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences. The Head of the German Energy Agency confirms this assessment. “From now on, CO2 emissions must be reduced at twice the rate as they have been on average since 1990”, says Andreas Kuhlmann about the exploratory findings related to the climate targets negotiated by the Grand Coalition, whitewashing the exploratory findings. How is that...

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