Experts of Circular Hotspots meet in Warsaw
The Mazovia Circular Congress took place in Warshaw for the second time on October 11th. The Congress, which is a meeting of Polish and world experts and practitioners, was an excellent opportunity to deepen knowledge on one of the priority economic trends for Europe, which is the circular economy. During the Conference circular business practices, unique start-up solutions and experiences of cities and regions from around the world, as well as real benefits from the transformation in the circular direction were presented.
Together with collegues we presented world’s sustainable development perspective. Joanna Kulczycka PhD AGH University of Science and Technology; Kim Tjoa, founder of the FLOOW2 business sharing platform, business strategy sharing economics leader; Nicola Tagliafierro; Enel-X sustainability director and Vee Bougani, founder of the Sustainable Food Movement in Greece as well as Eveline Lemke from Thinking Circular were able to present.
Mazovia Circular Congress presents primarily the practical aspects of circular economy, so the participants had the opportunity to take part in one of three workshop sessions devoted to: circular cities, food waste and Polish circular start-ups, as well as familiarize themselves with the specific solutions of companies offering technologies or circular services.
Over all it was a great meeting of circular hotspot specialists and surely to be continued
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