Business finally wants to implement more climate protection
Entrepreneurs for Future are entrepreneurs who are already promoting climate protection today and who work to ensure that the economy promotes faster climate protection with innovative products, technologies, services and business models.
Since the launch of the initiative in March 2019, more than 3600 entrepreneurs have signed the statement. Thinking Circular is now one of them.
Fridays4Future’s peaceful and emphatic demands from the climate strike on Friday, September 20, 2019, throughout the world have been impressive. Even in contemplative Koblenz, where we participated in the demonstration, more than 4000 people were mobilized to take to the streets for the climate. This movement is to continue to support. Today with the signing of the opinion of Entrepeneurs4Future with its eight demands:
- Accelerate energy transition. Faster, legally anchored coal withdrawal in line with German climate protection goals. An energy efficiency strategy to anchor Efficiency First, tax incentives for building renovations and an ambitious building energy law with role model of the public sector. Germany, Europe and the world can be 100% supplied with renewable energy.
- Divestment and abolition of climate-damaging subsidies until the year 2025. This is what Germany and the other G7 states have decided.
- An effective and predictable increase in CO2 pricing for all sectors. Investments are channeled into low-carbon infrastructure, technologies and products.
- A mobility turnaround focused on traffic avoidance, public transport, green and shared transport and CO2-free propulsion systems. We need the taxation of air traffic (kerosene tax) and reduced VAT on public transport in local and long-distance transport as well as on bicycle products and services.
- An agricultural and nutritional change. The subsidy policy in agriculture and the framework conditions for the food industry must be in line with the climate protection goals of the Federal Government – and be supported by effective measures such as the expansion of ecological and climate-friendly agriculture and the promotion of appropriate food and consumption styles.
- Encouraging the circular economy. In general, the use ofsecondary raw materials is superior to the use of primary raw materials, as they can be produced with less energy and rely on shorter transport routes. Withdrawal, recycling and recycling rates must not only be set, but also enforced.
- Establishment of a climate innovation fund for established companies and startups that implement innovative solutions for managing / coping with the climate crisis.
- An ambitious climate change bill that achieves a decarbonised economy in line with the 1.5 ° C target agreed in Paris.
The full statement can be found here.
You can sign here yourself.
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