Systems.Thinking – FAST
When cognition meets causality, the creation of encounter is called cooperation
In a systems world, accelerated and enabled by information and communications technologies, finance, economic and trade systems, just-in-time productions chain, food production and distribution and research and innovation extend across an interdependent word. Humanity is confronted by an array of deepening, connected challenges which are of an unprecedented intensity and scale. They are truly global and in a process of rapid and dynamic change. Learning about systems causalities is changes our thinking. But the questions turns up, what it takes to make up for a good decision.
In applying systems thinking methodology we searched for an answer and therefore started addressing the problem first.
From problem to solution:
They extend across all facets of human activities, are systemic an essentially connected. And they will behave, individually and collectively, in non-linear and unexpected ways. To address these threats to the future, we need new models and strategies and coherent strategies based on the knowledge of causalities and cooperation. This is, where the Systems Thinking methods come in:
Systems Thinking as a methodology
Systems Thinking, adjusted expectations and expectation management, resilience, coherent methods in action are tools for a new approach to solve global problems. Of course nobody can solve these problem alone. This is why cooperation is so important. This is why FAST was founded and is cooperating to advance Systems Thinking methodologies.
The Friends’ Association for the Advancement of Systems Thinking has a clear goal in implementing an International Center for the Advancement of Systems Thinking an der Universität Koblenz-Landau. The association was founded on November 14th, 2018 in Koblenz and will be working on a non-profit basis.
You can support the board-members: Eveline Lemke, Hans Bruns, Dr. Markus Beukenberg und Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch.
What’s up?
The Universität Koblenz-Landua has started a multidisciplinary Team, which has come together since 2016 in international meetings on the highest level. Based on this knowledge, FAST now supports:
- Implementation of curricula, modules und methods for teaching Systems Thinking
- Designing of short-courses and master-programme
- Foundation of the International Center for the Advancement of Systems Thinking
- Activities, events, meeting, research with partners such as FOGGS, IIASA; IISD, IPCC, OECD, Thinking Circular, UKOLD, UNCCD, UNFPA, UNTCC, WBGU
- Establishment of a strong international profile for the education of sustainable development, policy formulation and projects
- Transparency, working with the public, network building
Please contact FAST for support.
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