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highlights, Uncategorized / 30.03.2020

How to overthrow the crisis king’s crown (CORONA) on March 23, 2023 It was exactly three years ago that the small team from Thinking Circular was sitting together at the crisis meeting concerning the corona situation. And like some crises, whether Chernobyl, the forest decline, Fukushima, the climate crisis or the financial crisis of 2008, the Corona crisis has burned itself into the minds of the employees. What is not longer part of the team in 2023 is the fear of another crises. Only one thing is certain: the...

Circular Economy, highlights, Uncategorized / 10.03.2020

Dr. Bettina Hoffmann, MdB, spokeswoman for environmental policy and environmental health for the parliamentary group of BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN, has a concept: a resource-effective, non-toxic and climate-neutral circular economy. Materials, fluids and substances must be kept in economic lifecycles and  increasing waste and growing landfills must come to an end. She describes the concept in her discussion paper published in February 2020....

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