Sustainability consulting, strategic. Modul 1


Introduction – What does sustainability strategy mean? The German sustainability strategy is in line with the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Businesses are also addressed here, as the goals have an impact on laws, regulations and thus on changed rights and obligations for companies as well. The German strategy focuses on energy, climate protection, circular economy, housing, transport, food and agriculture. In this seminar, you will get an overview of upcoming strategic changes in the economy and society. This course is held in...

Sustainability consulting, strategic. Modul 2


What does it mean to do business in a climate-friendly way? The term “climate friendliness” is frequently used in advertising. However, the use of terms that are tangential to the climate is already subject to rules. In this course, a general understanding of the meaning of climate change, climate adaptation, climate friendliness, climate certifications should be achieved. there are different indicators and parameters to measure sustainability and circularity. In business, parameters are often called “Key Performance Indicator – KPI”. These also exist for the topic of sustainability in...

Sustainability consulting, strategic. Modul 3


From linear to circular Linear economy is described as the system of disposable society. Circular economy is described as a system in which raw materials, resources, materials, gases, products, etc. can remain in perpetual economic use without harming humans or nature. The module offers an introduction to the basics of the circular economy, which is triggering far-reaching changes for our economic system with the EU’s Green Deal. This course is held in German. Course fee and termination for a course in English on request.

Sustainability consulting, strategic. Modul 4


Developing value creation models The circular economy is often misunderstood as waste management. In addition, the knowledge about the economic concepts to create value is not yet understood. This is what this module is about. In particular, the role of the product life cycle and the entire value chain will be discussed and a model for brainstorming your own circular projects will be given. This course is held in German. Course fee and termination for a course in English on request.

Sustainability consulting, strategic. Modul 5


Deepening: Supply Chain Law The Supply Chain Act, which came into force in 2023, ensures corporate due diligence in the global supply chain. It is a legal framework that ensures the protection of the environment, human rights and children’s rights, along the entire supply chain. Companies commit to taking responsibility for the working conditions and production processes associated with their products. This benefits not only the people within the supply chain, but also companies and consumers. In this module, you will learn the essential basics that must be...

Sustainability consulting, strategic. Modul 6


In-depth session: Sustainable financing Climate protection and sustainability can only be implemented if the financing behind them is also sustainable. The German government’s Sustainable Finance Strategy aims to release the necessary investments for climate protection and sustainability. In the future, companies will also be required to publish a sustainability report in which they disclose business activities and measures relating to climate protection and sustainability. In principle, it will no longer be possible in the future to grant loans for projects that harm the climate. For this, the banks...

Sustainability consulting, strategic. Modul 7


In-depth: Marketing – Fifty shades of green Companies are often very ambitious when it comes to climate protection and sustainability. But what does it look like in reality? If you take a closer look at the supposedly green measures, you find that they are often merely greenwashing and not effective measures. The dangers lurking in greenwashing and how to avoid them are elementary to successful implementation of circular projects. Here we provide an overview of terms, case law and possible applications for positioning your own climate contribution in...

Sustainability consulting, strategic. Modul 8


In-depth session: Perspectives of legal projects In order to implement sustainability and circularity in a company, it is necessary to always keep an eye on the legal requirements. The latest developments at European and national level and how they can be implemented in practice are examined in detail. Likewise, which projects are planned for the future so that optimal preparation can take place on the entrepreneurial side in advance. This module presents the latest legal developments and offers space to address questions and make classifications. This course is...


Liederhalle Stuttgart Berliner Platz 1, Stuttgart, Deutschland

On two exciting days, the participants of KONGRESS BW can expect current trends, concrete practical examples, lively discussions, stimulating lectures and a great networking atmosphere around the topics of resource efficiency and circular economy. We expect representatives from politics, business, science and associations. Executives, decision makers from industry, municipal and private waste management, banks, consultancies and public administration will use the platform to gain knowledge and exchange information.

Cumbre Mundial de Economía Circular 2023

Complejo Ferial Cordoba Córdoba, Argentinien

The Circular Economy is a new paradigm that aims to redefine the ideals of growth and development. It aims to transform the current production model, moving from a linear economy of extraction, production, consumption and waste to a circular, efficient and responsible use of resources. The City Council of Cordoba and the entity BIOCÓRDOBA have made it their goal to promote the change that our city and the world need, and therefore will hold the second edition of the World Summit on the Circular Economy. The event will...

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