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#klimafit – Climate change on our doorstep! What can I do?

23. March 2021, 18:00 - 21:00 CET

Module 1: Basics of climate change and introduction to the municipal challenge


Speaker: Eveline Lemke


All around the globe, among other things within the framework of “Fridays for Future”, people are demanding decisive action from politicians for more climate protection. The corona pandemic has made it clear how vulnerable our lives are to external influences and what that can mean for our everyday lives. We are noticing more and more clearly that the effects of climate change also affect Germany, for example: increased hot days over 30 degrees, droughts, heavy precipitation events or rising sea levels.

Climate protection and adaptation are central tasks of the municipalities. In order to be able to perform these tasks, the municipality needs citizens who are committed to community, familiarize themselves with the background and know how to protect and adapt themselves in their personal environment.

This information is conveyed in the innovative “klimafit” course. On six course evenings, “klimafit” will familiarize you with the scientific principles on the subject of climate and climate change. The focus is on changes that climate change is causing in Germany and your region. In addition, the course aims to provide suggestions for joint action and effective climate protection.

WWF Germany and the Helmholtz Research Association for Regional Climate Change (REKLIM) developed this course; the project is funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Klaus Tschira Foundation. Successful participation is awarded a certificate at the end of the course.


23. March 2021
18:00 - 21:00 CET
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Kreisvolkshochschule Ahrweiler e.V.
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