Climate protection starts with myself – what can I do?
The Kreisvolkshochschule Ahrweiler offers a course for climate protectors and those who want to become one. On ten course evenings, interested parties can review and expand their knowledge of climate change. Measures for climate impact adaptation or for saving CO2 in everyday life, here in our region and also for you personally, will be presented and discussed.
Around the globe, people, including initiatives such as “Fridays for Future” and “Last Generation,” are demanding decisive action for more climate protection from politicians. The Corona pandemic has also made it clear how vulnerable our lives are to external influences and what this can mean for our everyday lives. We are noticing more and more clearly that the effects of climate change are also affecting Germany, for example: increased heat days above 30 degrees, droughts, heavy precipitation events or due to rising sea levels. The KlimaFit course familiarizes you with the scientific basics of climate change and provides suggestions for joint action and effective climate protection. The focus is on changes that climate change is bringing about in your region. WWF Germany and the Helmholtz Research Network Regional Climate Change and Humans (REKLIM) developed the course with funding from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.
We offer an adapted course for the Ahrweiler region on ten evenings, from January to July 2023 on Thursdays from 18:00 – 19:30. Expect extensive information, interesting discussions and an exciting search for answers to your questions with your course instructor Inken Lillpopp.
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